Barbara Thomass is Professor for International Comparison of Media Systems at the Institute for Media Studies, Ruhr-University in Bochum, Germany. Her main fields of interests are media systems in Western and Eastern Europe, media politics, media and journalism ethics. She had been lecturing and researching in communication science at the universities of Hamburg, Germany, where she earned her PhD in Communication Science in 1998, Goettingen, Lueneburg and Bremen and at the universities in Vienna and Paris. She had been working with international organisations for several years in courses on journalism standards an ethics in different parts of Eastern and South Eastern Europe. Prior to her academic career she worked as a journalist.
Publications on Euromedia Topics
Media policy and regulation
Public service broadcasting in the digital age. In: Meier, Werner/Trappel, Josef (Ed.): Changing media, Changing Policy (forthcoming).
PSB as an Instrument of Implementing WSIS Aims. In Carpentier, Nico/Servaes, Jan (Ed.): Deconstructing WSIS: Towards a Sustainable Agenda for the Future Information Society. Intellect Books, Bristol, 2005, 195-202.
Citizenship and Public Broadcasting in Europe. In: Demain, Jack (Ed.): Citizenship and Political Education Today. Palgrave-MacMillan Press 2004, 141-157.
„Knowledge Society“ and „Public Sphere“ – Two concepts for the remit. In: Lowe, Gregory Ferrell/Hujanen Taisto (Ed.): Broadcasting and Convergence – New Articulations of the Public Service Remit RIPE@2003, Göteborg: Nordicom, 29-40.
MAS (Media Accountability Systems) in Germany: Some Gaps in the System. In: Bertrand, Claude-Jean (Ed.) Arsenal for Democracy, Hampton Press 2002, 335-344.