Auksė Balčytienė

Vytautas Magnus University
Professor of Journalism at the Department of Public Communications in Vytautas Magnus University Kaunas, Lithuania. She is a core founding person of the school of media and communications at VMU. Her teaching and research interests focus on comparative aspects in studying political communication and journalism cultures, media system change, the development of European public sphere, information and communication policies as well as multicultural and multilingual journalism online. She is teaching classes in creative online writing, communications cultures, integrated communications strategies and political communication. She is/has been working in two 6th FP projects (AIM and CINEFOGO), COST projects A20 (The impact of the Internet on mass media in Europe) and A30 (Setting New East European Media Research Agenda), and in different research projects as well as academic, PhD students’ and professional media networks organized within Nordic and Baltic funding schemes. She is a member of the editorial board of European Journal of Communication, Central European Journal of Communication, Regional Studies, Media Transformations, Informacijos mokslai, Žurnalistikos tyrimai. She is also a member of the Lithuanian Broadcasting Council and the Lithuanian Science Council.
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