Helena Sousa

University of Minho
Professor of Communication Sciences and Dean of the Social Sciences School (Instituto de Ciências Sociais) at the University of Minho. She is Editor of the European Journal of Communication and Vice-President of the Scientific Council for Social Sciences and Humanities at Portuguese national science foundation (FCT). She is member of the Euromedia Research Group. Over the last 10 years she coordinated (as Chair and Vice-Chair) the Section of Political Economy of the IAMCR and is presently member of its International Council. Her main research interests are media policy and regulation, political economy of communication and journalism.
Profile Helena Sousa, University of Minho
Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade (CECS)
Publications on Euromedia Topics
Golding, P., Raeymaeckers, K e Sousa, H. (2017) ‘Social media – New Challenges and approaches for communications research’ in European Journal of Communication, Vol. 32, Number 6.
Sousa, H. (2018) ‘Lusophone community in the digital age: the ambiguous place of scepticism and performance’ in Media, Culture and Society, Vol.40, nº3.
D’Hanaens, L., Sousa, H. e Trappel, J (eds.) (2018) Comparative Media Policy, Regulation and Governance in Europe: Unpacking the Policy Cycle. Londres: Intellect.
Sousa, Helena (2019) The English language in academia: Identifying power structures, denaturalizing daily choices. Studies in Communication Sciences 19.2 (2019), pp. 217–220.
Saturnino, Rodrigo & Sousa, Helena (2019) Hosting as a Lifestyle: The case of Airbnb digital platform and Lisbon Hosts, Participation and Conflict, The Open Journal of Sociopolitical Studies
http://siba-ese.unisalento.it/index.php/paco DOI: 10.1285/i20356609v12i3p794
Moreira, A., Araújo, E. & Sousa, H. (2019). A corrupção e os média – um olhar dos jornalistas sobre a relevância do tempo. Comunicação e Sociedade, 35, 173 – 192. https://doi.org/ 10.17231/comsoc.35(2019).3137.
Polo, Marina. & Sousa, Helena. (2019). Reflexões para uma análise crítica no campo dos estudos sobre a internet. Comunidades, participação e regulação. VI Jornadas Doutorais, Comunicação & Estudos Culturais (pp. 137-151). Braga: CECS.
Póvoa, Jhonny & Sousa, Helena (2019) A checagem e o jornalismo: reflexões para uma análise histórica e conceptual da relação da verificação dos factos com o trabalho jornalístico e o surgimento do Fact-checking . VI Jornadas Doutorais, Comunicação & Estudos Culturais. Braga: CECS.
Sousa, Helena e Santos, Luís António. (2019). ‘Portugal – National Summary’. In Mapping of film and audiovisual public funding criteria in the EU. Strasbourg. European Audiovisual Observatory. ISBN 978-92-871-8952-3 (print version). (Available online at: https://www.obs.coe.int/en/web/observatoire/legal/-/asset_publisher/F4u8Tw47uLJo/content/mapping-of-film-and-audiovisual-public-funding-criteria-in-the-eu?_101_INSTANCE_F4u8Tw47uLJo_viewMode=view).
Sousa, Helena (2019) Josef Trappel (ed.) Digital Media Inequalities: Policies Against Divides, Distrust and Discrimination, Nordicom: Gothenburg. European Journal of Communication, Vol. 34 (6) 701-704. Book Review.
Lamas, S.; Zagalo, N., Sousa, H. (2020) ‘Built for communication: a strategic perspective of digital games in health’, Proceedings Book da Videojogos 2020, 12th International Conference on Videogame Sciences and Arts.