Josef Trappel
University of Salzburg
Josef Trappel is Professor for media policy and media economics and head of the Department of Communication Studies at the University of Salzburg, Austria, and there he is also the Director of Erasmus+ Master programme Digital Communication Leadership (DC Lead).. Before, he was head of IPMZ transfer, Center for Knowledge Transfer and Applied Media Research at the Institute for Mass Communication and Media Research, University of Zurich in Switzerland and Visiting Professor at the University of Vienna (2008-2009). In 2014, he was Professor II at the Department of Information Science and Media Studies at the University of Bergen, Norway. From 1996 to 2003 he was head of the media research department at Prognos, an international consultancy company based in Basel, Switzerland. From 1990 until 1996 he has been working as expert for the Austrian Prime Minister’s Office (Bundeskanzleramt) in Vienna and the European Commission in Brussels. His research work concentrates on changes and innovation in mass media structures and their implications on mass communication (media structures, media policy, media economics).
Publications on Euromedia Topics
Trappel, Josef (ed.) (2019): Digital Media Inequalities. Policies against Divides, Distrust and Discrimination. Gothenborg: Nordicom. ISBN 978-91-88855-10-7
Open access download:
d’Haenens, Leen/Sousa, Helena/Trappel, Josef (eds.) (2018): Comparative Media Policy, Regulation and Governance in Europe. Unpacking the Policy Cycle. Bristol: Intellect. ISBN: 978 1 78320 886 9
Trappel, Josef (2017): What Democracies Better Learn from the Third Wave. In: Bajomi-Lázár, Péter (ed.): Media in Third-Wave Democracies. Southern and Central/Eastern Europe in a Comparative Perspective. Paris, Budapest: L’Harmattan, pp. 229-234.
Trappel, Josef / Enli, Gunn S. (2011) ‘Online Media: Changing Provision of News’, pp. 97-113 in J. Trappel, W. A. Meier, L. d’Haenens, J. Steemers and B. Thomass (eds.) Media in Europe Today. Bristol: Intellect.
Nieminen, Hannu / Trappel, Josef (2011) ‘Media Serving Democracy’, pp. 135-51 in J. Trappel, W. A. Meier, L. d’Haenens, J. Steemers and B. Thomass (eds.) Media in Europe Today. Bristol: Intellect.
Lund, Anker B. / Raeymaeckers, Karin / Trappel, Josef (2011) ‘Newspapers: Adapting and Experimenting’, pp. 43-59 in J. Trappel, W. A. Meier, L. d’Haenens, J. Steemers and B. Thomass (eds.) Media in Europe Today. Bristol: Intellect.
Media policy and regulation
Gadringer, Stefan/Parrilla, Ricard/Trappel, Josef (2019): Spectrum allocation, media policy and the key stakeholders’ understanding of digitalization in Austria: A shift in the regulatory preferences from broadcasting to broadband. In: Journal of Digital Media & Policy, Jg. 10, Nr. 2, S. 163–181. doi: 10.1386/jdmp.10.2.163_1
Wenzel, Corinna/Gadringer, Stefan/Trappel, Josef (2016): Media Policy and Regulation in Times of Crisis. In: Simpson, Seamus /Puppis, Manuel/Van Den Bulck, Hilde (eds.): European Media Policy for the Twenty-First Century. Assessing the Past, Setting Agendas for the Future. New York, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 95-117.
Trappel, Josef/Nieminen, Hannu/Nord, Lars W. (eds.) (2011): The Media for Democracy Monitor: A Cross National Study of Leading News Media. Gothenburg: Nordicom.
Trappel, Josef/Maniglio, Tanja (2009): On Media Monitoring – the Media for Democracy Monitor (MDM). In: Communications, Vol. 34 (2), pp. 169-201.
Meier, Werner A. / Trappel, Josef (2007) (eds.): Power, Performance and Politics. Media Policy in Europe. Baden-Baden. (Nomos).
Marcinkowski, Frank / Meier, Werner A. / Trappel, Josef (eds.) (2006): Media and Democracy – Experiences from Europe. Bern, Stuttgart, Wien (Haupt)
European public sphere
Trappel, Josef (2017): Moving Media and Journalism Forward from Private to Public Value. In: Altmeppen, Klaus-Dieter/Hollifield, C. Ann/Van Loon, Jost (eds.): Value‐Oriented Media Management. Decision Making Between Profit and Responsibility. Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 49-58.
Trappel, Josef (2016): Taking the public service remit forward across the digital boundary. In: International Journal of Digital Television, Vol. 7 (3), pp. 273-295.
Grünangerl, Manuela / Trappel, Josef / Wenzel, Corinna (2012): Public value and participation of civil society – a case for public service or community media? In: medien.kommunikation. Online-Journal der Universität Salzburg. Ausgabe 1/2012. Download
Trappel, Josef (2008): Online Media Within the Public Service Realm? Reasons to Include Online into the Public Service Mission. In: Convergence, Jg. 14(3), S. 313-322.
Trappel, Josef (2007): The Austrian Media Landscape. In: Terzis, Georgios (Hg.): European Media Governance. National and Regional Dimensions. Bristol, Chicago. (intellect). S. 63-72.
Meier, Werner A. / Trappel, Josef (2006): Die transnationale Vermachtung durch Medienkonzerne als Voraussetzung für europäische Öffentlichkeit? In: Langenbucher, Wolfgang R. / Latzer, Michael (Hg.): Europäische Öffentlichkeit und medialer Wandel. Eine transdisziplinäre Perspektive. Wiesbaden. (VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften). S. 262-275.