Stylianos Papathanassopoulos

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Dr. Stylianos Papathanassopoulos is Professor in Media Organisation and Policy at the Faculty of Communication and Media Studies at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He has written extensively on media developments in Europe and Greece and especially on television issues. His research interests are on European communications and new media policies as well as media effects. His publications can be found in journals as the European Journal of Communication, Media Culture and Society, Media International Australia, The International Journal of Harvard in Press and Politics, Intermedia, Political Communication, The Communication Review, Journalism Studies. He has also written for the trade press (Broadcast, Television Business International, European Television Analyst, Cable and Satellite Europe), and is the editor of the first and only communication journal in Greece Zitimata Epikoinonias (Communication Issues).
Publications on Euromedia Topics
Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos (2015) “Privacy 2.0”, Social Media + Society, April-June, Vol.1: 1–2.
Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos and Iliana Giannouli (2015) “Foreign Correspondents in Greece; Facing the «communication deficit”. In Mapping Foreign Correspondence in Europe (Edited by Georgios Terzis), London: Routledge, p. 118-127.
Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos and Iliana Giannouli (2015) «Foreign Correspondents in perspective». In Mapping Foreign Correspondence in Europe (Edited by Georgios Terzis), London: Routledge, p. 1-6.
Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos (2015) «Ownership and regulation in Europe». In Alvarado, M., Buonanno, M., Gray, H. and Miller, T. (2015) (Eds.) The Sage Handbook of Television Studies. London: Sage, 2015, p. 61-71.
Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos (2015) «Satellite Television». In W. Donsbach (Ed.), Concise Encyclopedia of Communication, (pp. x – y). Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2015.
Papathanassopoulos, S. (2014) “The transition to digital television in Greece: Now what?”, International Journal of Digital Television 01/2014; 5(1). DOI: 10.1386/jdtv.5.1.19_1
Jones, Aalberg, Stuart Soroka, James Curran, Kaori Hayashi, Shanto Iyengar, paul Jones, Gianpietro Mazzoleni, Stylianos Papathanassopoulos, Hermano Rojas, David Rowe, Rod Tiffen «Sources in the News A comparative study», Journalism Studies Volume 15, Issue 4, 2014, p. 374-391.
Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos (2014) «European Media Views of the Greek Crisis». In The Media and Financial Crises: Comparative and Historical Perspectives. Edited by Steve Schifferes, Richard Roberts, London: Routledge, 2015, pp. 103-118.
Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos (2014) «Greece: Press Subsidies in Turmoil» στο P.C. Murschetz (ed.), State Aid for Newspapers, Media Business and Innovation; Theories, Cases, Actions, New York: Springer, p. 237-521.
Curran, J., Sharon C., S. Soroka, T. Aalberg, K. Hayashi, Z. Hichy, S. Iyengar, P. Jones, G. Mazzoleni, S. Papathanassopoulos, J. Woong Rhee, H. Rojas, D. Rowe, and R. Tiffen (2014) “Reconsidering ‘virtuous circle’ and ‘media malaise’ theories of the media: An 11-nation study” Journalism 15(7) 815-833.
Coen, Sharon, James Curran, Toril Aalberg, Paul Jones, Hernando Rojas, David Rowe, Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos, and Rod Tiffen (2013) “Internet Revolution Revisited: A Comparative Study of Online News” Media, Culture & Society 35 (7) 880-897
Aalberg Toril, Stylianos Papathanassopoulos, Stuart Soroka, James Curran, Kaori Hayashi, Shanto Iyengar, Paul Jones, Gianpietro Mazzoleni, Hernando Rojas, David Rowe and Rod Tiffen (2013) “International TV News, Foreign Affairs Interest and Public Knowledge: A comparative study of foreign news coverage and public opinion in 11 countries” Journalism Studies 14 (3) online first:
Papathanassopoulos, Stylianos, Sharon Coen, James Curran, Toril Aalberg, Paul Jones, Hernando Rojas, David Rowe and Rod Tiffen (2013) “Online Threat, but TV is Still Dominant; A comparative study of 11 nations’ news consumption” Journalism Practice 7 (3) online first: