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Some observations w…
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Some observations while compiling the indicators

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Hello, on behalf of the Italian team I would like to share a few observations emerged as we are elaborating and discussing the indicators. Nothing to really act upon, but just to be aware:

  • we realize that some indicators are quite general and relate to the media system, while others are specific and speak to the individual company;
  • in some cases we need to ‘translate’ for the national context the language and approach of indicators – methodological caution will certainly be discussed in Salzburg
  • indicator E4 includes two different ‘realities’: in fact ‘minority media’ is not the same as ‘alternative’. In the previous edition we realize this has been understood as mainly ‘minority’ and related to languages spoken in the country. We shall nevertheless also work out a paragraph on ‘alternative’, which is quite relevant to reflect on the overall democratic situation;
  • in a similar vein, C9: we believe ‘watchdog’ as a function is  different from ‘investigative journalism’. It would be good to have some feedback on this…

Best Claudia

Posted : 20/01/2020 12:07 pm
Posts: 1
Member Admin

Thanks, Claudia, for our observations!

We agree that some indicators relate to the entire media system. This is, however, necessary to understand and explain the performance of the media. E.g. media ownership concentration indicators are important for each media company.

Translate into national context: Yes, this is necessary and should be done carefully. Problems are addressed in the Salzburg workshop (we put it on the agenda)

Indicator E4: This indicator now refers to both, minority AND alternative media, and information should be given on both. Also credits should be awarded with respect to both aspects.

Indicator C9: In our understanding, watchdogs do investigations, and investigations constitute watchdog journalism. We cannot clearly divide the tasks here. When in doubt, please focus on investigative journalism, and the resources needed for it.

Posted : 28/01/2020 6:01 pm