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Iceland – (E10) Rules and practices on internal pluralism

Score in short:

Icelandic newsrooms do not have codified rules on internal pluralism, but journalists try to make sure that there is diversity in the range of voices represented.

Score in detail:

The newsroom journalists interviewed said they try to make sure that there is diversity in the range of voices represented in the media. The choice of experts used is regularly discussed in newsroom meetings, and journalists often look for new faces they haven’t interviewed before.

However, most interviewees admitted they often don’t have time to search for new experts. Experienced experts know how to fulfil the needs of the media. This was particularly emphasised in relation to certain people knowing how to perform for television. Since the population in Iceland is so small, there are often just one or two experts in particular fields. The Icelandic news media therefore needs to rely on a much smaller pool of experts than found in larger states.

In general, journalists are free to interview who they like, and diverse opinions are usually welcomed in news outlets.